Hey – so glad you’re here!

I’m going to let this section speak for itself as you’re here because you’re curious about what the free audit contains.

Note: Before you read on – I specialise solely in Food & DrinkΒ πŸ” I do not operate in other niches to allow my clients to work with someone who has the very best industry-specific knowledge & skills (not a generalist), so if you’re looking for a specialist in these areas email me – I can send you some guidance on how to screen individuals, and get what you need.


Your Complimentary Audit:

The report will be presented with a top-level summary that assesses your website and digital marketing in four key areas:


βœ… Increasing average order value (e.g. Upsells, Cross-Sells, Minimum Free Delivery Threshold etc, Website Branding, Website Speed – not annoyingly slow, Website Layout – Cart Design etc)

βœ… Reaching new customers (e.g. Referral, Digital Marketing, Social, SEO, PPC, PR)

βœ… Capturing lost orders (e.g. Newsletter Opt-In, Follow-Up Automation on Abandoned Carts, Long-Term lapsed Customer Re-Engagement)

βœ… Increasing the frequency of repeat orders (Subscriptions, Phased Product Release, Gifting, Well-Timed Seasonal Marketing etc)


Following this, the report is split into four sections:

1. Technical Website Analysis:

Your website represents the digital storefront of your business; it must create a positive impression, be speedy, be on brand, and be regularly updated. My technical audit covers:

  • Trust and customer loyalty: I assess the presence of schemes you’ve put in place to enhance customer trust and foster loyalty.
  • Sharing and referrals: Investigating how visitors share your content and whether there’s an easy-to-use referral system present.
  • Review requests: I’ll check if your business automatically requests and displays customer reviews efficiently.
  • Subscriptions; assessing the flexibility and ease of use of any subscription schemes to improve order frequency and reduce ‘spiky’ business to improve your cash flow
  • Other vital aspects include loading speed, overall branding, imagery/video usage, awards display, customer support, and the quality of content you offer such as new product development updates or recipes.

Additionally, my audit also covers how well-defined your ideal customer profiles are, identifies problem areas, highlights areas needing effective advertising tracking setup, and examines your efforts in customer-led growth and product development.

I ensure you are following common best practices like maintaining a prominent newsletter sign-up with automated steps once someone signs up, re-engagement offers and providing special site features, all while putting measures in place to minimise gaming.


2. Social Media Evaluation:

Assessing your social media platforms, concentrating on aspects of trust-building, organic sharing, and engagement through regular product releases/specials where relevant, competitions or other means.

My focus is always on strengthening your bond with your existing consumer base and encouraging them to become advocates for your business.


3. A Deep Dive into SEO:

A key component of a long-term thriving digital presence is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). With this in mind, our audit dedicates an entire section to an in-depth look at the SEO health of your website. It is an extensive report and will look at technical SEO and your overall content strategy, and success.

I will;

  • Identify your website’s current organic search visibility, so you can see how visible your website is to potential customers in search engine results.
  • Assess your site’s keyword performance, enabling us to determine the effectiveness of the keywords chosen and recommend adjustments to align them with your goals.
  • Analyse both on-page and off-page SEO factors, evaluating content quality, meta tags, headings, URL structure, and more for on-page aspects, and backlink profiles, social signals, and guest blogging opportunities for the off-page elements.

I will also examine your website against well-established SEO best practices, ensuring that your presence is tailored to maximize your visibility, user engagement, and conversion rates. By carrying out a thorough analysis of your website’s search performance, I aim to provide you with actionable insights that will significantly improve your ability to reach your ideal customer base.


4. Case Studies

Some case studies tailored to your business’ niche and use cases – where I successfully implemented specific features, and how productive they were at generating additional revenue both short and long term.


In conclusion,

Once received, if you like what you see in this audit, you can book a discovery call where I’ll get under the skin of your dreams for your business, the bits you love and want to keep close, and the bits you can’t stand doing (but need doing and you want outsourced). I’ll prepare and present some ideas that can be added to your strategy this year.

After this call, if you wish, I can conduct a deeper follow-up audit before you engage my services of your paid advertising, international growth, complete technical site auditing and more. Sometimes I do this step post-partnership, and sometimes before – it’s up to you!


